Reddit comments and submissions are occasionally abbreviated and peppered with jargon, ranging from OP (for 'Original Poster'—the user who posted the submission being commented upon) to NSFW (for 'not safe for work'—indicating the post has 'Reddit's Safe Play in the Game of Geo-Targeting'. Soal sbmptn saintek dan pembahasan soal matematika. Flashing random people in public. Comedyfish_reddit ♥ [User]. Took a close up photo of a chimpanzee hand at Taronga zoo. Comedyfish_reddit ♥ [User]. Walking along bondi beach, my pram wheels where an inch perfect fit between the street light and the barrier.

Who among us hasn't witnessed or even participated in some inarguably NSFW-esque behavior? After all, most of the so-called seven deadly sins provide the most satisfaction when practiced simultaneously. But what about doing shit like that in public, presumably in front of total strangers?
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Reddit gathered its greatest thinkers in the name of that exact possibility, with brave inquirer TomGoodYear asking people to briefly and poetically describe the most unforgettable NSFW things they've ever seen in public. As suggested by virtually the entire history of humankind, everyone had no problem conjuring their deepest (darkest?) NSFW memories, including this charming coming-of-age tale centered on the profound bonding experience of a still-stoked-on-this guy known only as BamBamBoy7 and his presumably less-stoked-on-it family:
'When I was 15 I was at a large ass family reunion on a large plot of private property. Me, my uncle, my cousin and my dads cousin were all at the edge of the property overlooking a river. We saw a canoe coming down the river. When they got close we saw a guy and a girl in the canoe. All the sudden the guy yells 'GRAB A NET' my cousin replies 'WHY'. The man proceeded to respond 'BECAUSE YOU'RE ABOUT TO CATCH SOME TITTY' and the girl proceeded to flash us. It was great, I'll never forget it.'
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One especially observant Londoner unknowingly witnessed a fellow commuter's orgasm by way of a Bluetooth-controlled pocket vibrator, noting emphatically that the woman 'had trouble standing up' when it was time to exit the train. Another equally observant poet took the opportunity to reveal how they first became interested in the idea of sexual intercourse thanks to a publicly copulating couple outside of a three-star hotel. Also, there's a particularly harrowing bit about a man known to his fans as Naked Yoga Man. For what it's worth, dude more than earns his name.
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However, as with all Reddit enlightenment meetings, there must be one reigning champion of ridiculousness. For this batch of sometimes funny (but also kind of scary?) recollections of society's most brazenly NSFW behavior, that distinction most assuredly goes to this novella:
Peep the full festival of tomfoolery here.