Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning Mods Pc Download Average ratng: 6,2/10 1109 reviews

Now, I expect to be jumped on for this, but this is my favorite Fantasy RPG to date. I absolutely loved it. The combat was perfect. No glitchy hack continuously or throw the same spell over and over like the Elder Scrolls games. The hotkey system isn't the main form of combat as it is in Dragon Age Origins. All the combat is smooth and flowing. You get two primary weapons that you can use different combo moves with, and you also have a side hotkey system for your abilities.
I really enjoy the leveling up system and how you can integrate two of the combat types together very fluidly. I played focusing on Finesse and Sorcery, and it was a blast to go back and forth between the abilities of the two separate types.
The main plot line is great, the main side quests are good, and the random side quests are okay for the most part. This is a common theme in any RPG though. I haven't played one to date where I loved all the side quests. There's just only so many ideas you can come up with for players to do.
The main fault of this game is probably a bigger fault for a lot of RPG players than myself. Is that there really is no decision making system. It seems like there is, but your decisions really don't make any difference whatsoever. It's no Fable, that's for sure. Also, there's no romance aspect to the game. Again, not something I care about, but it may bother some people.
I'll most likely be playing this again in the near future.
I really enjoy the leveling up system and how you can integrate two of the combat types together very fluidly. I played focusing on Finesse and Sorcery, and it was a blast to go back and forth between the abilities of the two separate types.
The main plot line is great, the main side quests are good, and the random side quests are okay for the most part. This is a common theme in any RPG though. I haven't played one to date where I loved all the side quests. There's just only so many ideas you can come up with for players to do.
The main fault of this game is probably a bigger fault for a lot of RPG players than myself. Is that there really is no decision making system. It seems like there is, but your decisions really don't make any difference whatsoever. It's no Fable, that's for sure. Also, there's no romance aspect to the game. Again, not something I care about, but it may bother some people.
I'll most likely be playing this again in the near future.
Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning Download

Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning Cheats
To view this video download. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. I only wish the source code was released and maybe someone could do an unofficial patch or mods for. For Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Mods/Cheats/Glitches'.