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DALF C1 past exam papers

Below, you can download three complete DALF C1 sample papers. Even if the two firsts past exam papers are a little bit old, they correspond in every respect to the DALF C1 examinations. Indeed, the format, kind of tests and the assessed level are the same. Only the graphics evolved: the layout and the presentation of subjects were improved. So, the more recent subjects are better looking and more pleasant, in particular at the level of the images, than these two firsts DALF C1 sample papers. You will see this by looking at the past exam papers number 3 below.​

DALF C1 sample papers 1

The PDF document below, is a first complete DALF C1 sample papers. It contains:
  • the collective tests: listening, reading and writing (pages 1 to 13)
  • the candidate's instructions for the speaking test (page 14)
  • the correct version and the grading scale for the listening and the reading tests (pages 15 to 17)
  • the assessment grid of the writing test (pages 18 to 19)
  • the examiner's instructions and the documents for the speaking test (pages 20 to 23)
  • the assessment grid of the speaking test (page 24)
  • the transcription of the audio documents of the listening test (pages 25 to 27) ​
PdfDALF C1 sample papers 1

Dalf C1 Pdf

Below, you will find the 2 audio documents of the listening test:
DALF C1 sample papers 1 audio document 1
​DALF C1 sample papers 1 audio document 2

DALF C1 sample papers 2

The PDF document below, is a second complete DALF C1 sample papers. It contains:
  • the collective tests: listening, reading and writing (pages 1 to 8)
  • the writing test for the field humanities and social studies (pages 9 to 10)
  • the speaking test for the field humanities and social studies (pages 11 to 19)
  • the writing test for the field science (pages 20 to 22)
  • the speaking test for the field science (pages 23 to 28)
  • the correct version and the grading scale for the listening and the reading tests (pages 29 to 31)
  • the transcription of the audio documents of the listening test (pages 32 to 34)

Dalf C1 Exemple

​​DALF C1 sample papers 2
Below, you will find the audio document of the listening test:
​​​DALF C1 sample papers 2 audio document

DALF C1 sample papers 3


This 3rd DALF C1 past exam papers is much more recent than the 2 sample papers presented above. Although each exam subject is unique, it will give you a good idea of the type of subject you will have on the day of the exam. Below, you can view and download all documents related to this past exam papers:
- DALF C1 sample papers 3 - candidate’s document for listening and reading tests: subjects of the collectives tests (listening and reading) for the two fields: humanities and social studies & science
- DALF C1 sample papers 3 - proofreader’s document: correct version and grading scale for collectives tests (listening and reading)
- DALF C1 sample papers 3 - supervisor’s document: transcription of audio documents (listening)
- DALF C1 sample papers 3 - candidate’s document for HSS writing test: subjects of the writing test of the collectives tests for the field humanities and social studies
- DALF C1 sample papers 3 - candidate’s document for SCI writing test: subjects of the writing test of the collectives tests for the field science
- DALF C1 sample papers 3 - candidate’s document for speaking test: instructions of individual test (speaking) for the two fields: humanities and social studies & science
- DALF C1 sample papers 3 - examiner’s document for HSS speaking test: subjects of the individual test (speaking) for the field humanities and social studies
- DALF C1 sample papers 3 - examiner’s document for SCI speaking test: subjects of the individual test (speaking) for the field science
Below, you will find the audio document of the listening test:
DALF C1 sample papers 3 audio document
In addition, you will find below the assessment grids of the writing and the speaking tests of DALF C1. We advise you to well study this assessment grid because it is on it that you will be assess and mark. So, if you well control the assessment criteria and you fit them well, you will get the maximum of points.
Assessment grid of DALF C1 writing test
​Assessment grid of DALF C1 speaking test
The files of DALF C1 sample papers to be downloaded above are the property of the CIEP (Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques). These sample papers are the only DALF C1 past exams papers available to the public and authorized in distribution. All other sample papers are strictly confidential before, during and after examination sessions. You expose yourselves to civil and penal penalties in case of distribution of confidential sample papers.


Réussir le DALF, Niveaux C1 C2 (Livre + 2CD audio)
Réussir le DALF, niveaux C1 C2 : Cadre européen commun de référence (2CD audio)
Author: CIEP, Dominique Chevallier-Wixler, Dorothée Dupleix, Ingrid Jouette, Bruno Megre
Publisher: Les Editions Didier
Publication date: 2006
Number of pages: 145
Format / Size: PDF / 58,2 Mo
Audio / wma / 108 kbps / 96,4 Mo

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La réforme du DELF et du DALF, mise en place en 2005 par la Commission nationale du DELF et du DALF à la demande du ministère de l’Éducation nationale français a conduit à l’élaboration de six nouveaux diplômes indépendants correspondant à chacun des six niveaux de compétence en langue du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (publié aux Éditions Didier). Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux apprenants de français langue étrangère débutants, adultes et adolescents, après 60 à 80 heures d’apprentissage qui préparent les différentes épreuves du diplôme DALF C1/C2. Il se compose de quatre parties correspondant aux quatre compétences évaluées le jour de l’examen : compréhension de l’oral. Compréhension des écrits, production écrite et production orale. À l’intérieur de chaque partie, vous trouverez : une présentation de l’épreuve ainsi qu’une analyse des activités à mettre en pratique ; des exercices d’entraînement, variés et progressifs ; un exemple d’épreuve; une auto-évaluation. Un sujet d’examen complet. accompagné du barème de notation et d’une grille d’évaluation, est proposé. Sont réunis, en tin d’ouvrage, les transcriptions des enregistrements et les corrigés des exercices.

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