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Aussel, Jean-Daniel; D'Annoville, Jerome; Castillo, Laurent; Durand, Stephane; Fabre, Thierry; Lu, Karen; Ali, Asad

Smartcards are widely used to provide security in end-to-end communication involving servers and a variety of terminals, including mobile handsets or payment terminals. Sometime, end-to-end server to smartcard security is not applicable, and smartcards must communicate directly with an application executing on a terminal, like a personal computer, without communicating with a server. In this case, the smartcard must somehow trust the terminal application before performing some secure operation it was designed for. This paper presents a novel method to remotely trust a terminal application from the smartcard. For terminals such as personal computers, this method is based on an advanced secure device connected through the USB and consisting of a smartcard bundled with flash memory. This device, or USB dongle, can be used in the context of remote untrusting to secure portable applications conveyed in the dongle flash memory. White-box cryptography is used to set the secure channel and a mechanism based on thumbprint is described to provide external authentication when session keys need to be renewed. Although not as secure as end-to-end server to smartcard security, remote entrusting with smartcards is easy to deploy for mass-market applications and can provide a reasonable level of security.

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